Why Pre-School ???

“Babies can ‘count’ before they communicate. Even before they learn to speak, babies are organizing information about time numbers, and space in complex ways.” -Psychologist Stella Laurenco, Emary University.

Although learning is a lifelong process, from birth to age 5 there is a maximum development that happens as far as brain development is concerned. The quality of which is shaped by the experiences in the initial few years of a child’s life.
As children develop brain connections needed to be successful in later life through their everyday experiences, it is very important for a child to have positive interactions with their parents and care givers. Earlier, grandparents and first cousins played an important role in providing conducive environment for the wholesome development of a child at home.
With more and more parents moving away from their homes in the new cities in the pursuit of career growth and aspirations, children are ending up growing in a nuclear set-up, at times with the care givers at home. Thus the onus of providing this conducive atmosphere for the child is taken up by the Pre-schools by providing opportunities to interact with peers and learn & comprehend new things by real life experiences.

Some Best Practices Followed At Pre Schools

  1. 1. To give children a head start for learning :

    Pre-schools not only provides tension free atmosphere for learning, but makes learning fun using play way methods, thereby putting the child on a life long journey of joyful learning.

  2. 2. Peer to Peer and Social Interaction :

    Social Interaction is one of the most important feature of Pre School education. Children get to interact with the children of their age in a supervised and structured environment.

  3. 3. Aid development of Language and Mathematical Skills :

    Speaking, reading, writing and numeracy are the most prominent skills learnt at early childhood years, it not only provides a strong base but continues through the adulthood. Children with delay in language skills are also observed to have delayed math skills as well.

  4. 4. Promote development of Cognitive Skills :

    Lot of emphasis is given to the cognitive development in the child as the learning happens due to practice and group interactions.

  5. 5. Development of Motor Skills :

    Scribbling, coloring, clay molding and various activities done in the class helps in the development of fine motor skills. Gross motor skills are developed through free play and different games played under the supervision of facilitators.

  6. 4. Enhance Communication Skills :

    Through poem recitation, singing songs, story-telling and role-play children develop their oratory skills. They learn to face and speak in a group there by developing confidence.

For many children, Pre School is the first experience outside the confines of the protected environment of their homes, hence it is important that the parents do the research before zeroing in on a Pre School that covers all the above best practices and not select the school that is close to their place of residence. As giving the early head start to quality learning is equally important than the journey of learning itself!!!